Jason Alton the founder of NUDIE Jeans Australia has added another string to his creative bow, he’s turned his hand to jewellery design turning the diamond world on its head with the launch of his signature inverted diamond range JASN ALTN.
Rogue Homme got to chat to Jason recently about his new venture, and what inspired him to go into Jewellery design…
The rings have both a masculine and feminine quality to them, what inspired the dual energies?
- My goal was for them to be equally appealing to both men and women. To achieve this there had to be a delicate combination of opulence but with a distinctive edge.
Jewellery is an interesting market to get in to, what was the motivation behind the choice?I wanted to start my own project where I had full creative control, and I saw a huge gaping hole in the market for a luxury brand of jewellery that had a bit of what I like to call beautifully disruptive elegance.
As an already established clothing innovator with Nudie was there pressure to be just as creative and innovative with the jewellery range, or did you find your passion was the driving force?
- Nudie Jeans was a fantastic brand to build over the past decade here in Australia but being a Swedish company I never had the opportunity to design…our role was strictly brand management and retail development strategies with the Australasian markets…
- Being that I am in the drivers seat with JASN ALTN I now have the freedom to create objects of desire that were once only mere ideas…
And finally what’s next in the range after rings?
- There will be further developments within the inverted colourless Diamond range “Amor Fati”, black diamond collection “Amor Noir”, and the 18k yellow gold “RICH$KIDD” range which will include earrings, bracelets, bangles and even a solid gold and diamond grill.