Cryotherapy, My Experience at Koa Recovery

 I have to admit, when I found out that Cryotherapy involved getting into a chamber where the temperature was near on -130°c I was a little worried. After all I struggle to stay in a 14°c ice bath for very long!

Turns out I had nothing to worry about…

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Being a professional Rugby Sevens athlete I get plenty of km’s in the legs, lifts in the gym and knocks on the body on a weekly basis with the game being one of the more brutal sports going around. It was a Thursday and I had just come off the back of a big start to the week and my body and mind were exhausted. I desperately needed something to kick me back into gear. I was lucky enough to be invited down to the fantastic facilities at Koa Recovery by owner Shaun Button, to check out his set up and try the Cryotherapy chamber out for the first time.

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I had heard plenty of good things about the Cryotherapy experience and now it was time to give it a shot! I stripped down to my budgy’s, slipped on my socks and gloves and entered the chamber to begin my 3 minutes in the freezing cold mist. As I poked my head out of the top of the chamber, I could instantly feel the hairs start to stand up on my arms and legs as Shaun mentioned to me that the temperature on the chamber was sitting at about -100°c and dropping fast.

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As the seconds passed the chill moved deeper inside me, Shaun kept checking in with me, but I was very comfortable. Turns out I was actually enjoying the experience – it made me feel alive in a way that I hadn’t experienced before.

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I stepped out of the chamber and felt it immediately, the blood rushing through my body, feeling energized and alert. It didn’t just last for a few minutes either; it was a long lasting natural high! It was like I had just had a massage and a couple of coffees in the space of a few of minutes.

What a feeling!

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I can’t thank Shaun enough for the opportunity to use his Cryotherapy chamber, show me the set up and explain to me the protocols behind the recovery methods. I’m looking forward to heading back to Koa for another hit of Cryotherapy as well as trying out the float tank, compression boots and Compex machines! NM.

For more info or to book a session head to

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by Nick Malouf
Contributing Editor Rogue Homme