Profiled | Rory Walton Rugby Union Player

I’m a huge Rugby Union fan from  growing up in Fiji and whenever I can I catch a game on TV or live, so I jumped at the chance to interview the very talented Rory Walton from the Western Force Rugby Union Team…

Name : Rory Walton

Company/website/Team? Western Force Rugby
Describe what you do? Rugby Player
Why fitness? I had a motorbike accident when I was 14 and put on a lot of weight whilst I was laid up. I was lucky that some good friends of mine pulled me out and got me into training at the local surf life saving, and introduced me to the Gym. I found that the fitter I got the easier it was to achieve my sporting goals, things that had eluded me when I was unfit, such as rugby rep teams
and school basketball teams etc. Ever since then it’s been an extremely important part of my life as it helps with my headspace as well.
Who or what inspires you? All sorts of things really, other athletes do for sure. People who are chasing their goals, I’m a big one for goals and it really inspires me when people chase down their aspirations whether it be in the business world, home life or on the pitch.
Three words that describe you?
Stubborn, Tall & Pale.
What’s your dream project?
Id love to own my own business, something creative as well or I’ve always fancied myself as a bit of a Barrister.
What advice would you give to someone who’s looking to start their fitness & health journey?
Start small, count the little wins. It’s not numbers on a scale or calories burnt it’s how you feel. Set some goals and go after them, just tune out the outside world and focus on it.
Also make excercise enjoyable, if you hate going to the gym and pushing weights don’t do it, if you don’t like jogging don’t do it.
Find things you are comfortable with and enjoy and excercise becomes fun instead of a chore. There are a thousand ways to be fit and healthy, just find what works for you and don’t follow the crowd…
Especially if that crowd goes to Crossfit haha.
Name 3 things you can’t live without?
Good music, good people and great food.
Social Media – Twitter
by Arrnott Olssen
Editor Rogue Homme