My goal for the next two months is to lose 10 kilograms and hopefully drop 2 pants sizes down to a size 34. Since dropping the initial 80 kgs it’s been fantastic getting a whole new wardrobe, though I’ve found it a problem finding mens labels that stock size 38 pants in their range. I decided that was a perfect goal and a fantastic reason to motivate me to drop the last 10 kilograms, plus I’m aiming to join “City to Surf” for the first time this year.
I organised to catch up with a good friend of mine Scott Lonsdale who is a fantastic personal trainer, and instead of the usual cafe/coffee catch up he suggested a workout session.

I really didn’t know what I was getting myself in for until he suggested I jog up and meet him at Redfern station so we could begin our session.

This was what Scott had to say about the training-
“Today’s goal was to burn as many calories in the session as possible and to use exercise methods that created an Exercise Post Oxygen Consumption(EPOC). This increases your metabolism the next day which aggregates the calorie burn from the session into the next day. Starting with cardio to warm up and burn some body fat, we then moved into hill interval sprints to raise the heart rate and use all the stored glycogen in the muscles draining the body of energy. Moving onto an anaerobic resistance circuit that compounded certain muscle groups with the goal of reaching the lactate threshold. We finished with stair intervals to further drain the body of all energy raising the heart rate and reaching exhaustion “.
It was definitely a good way to begin the first day of the first week of training towards – The Last Ten kilograms and City to Surf in August.
Here’s a little video to put a smile on anyone’s face, watching me in pain attempting burpies.
Thanks Scott for the catch up and an Awesome workout session.
Rogue Homme